
I’m a nerd, specifically, a computer nerd, and I love learning more about computer topics. Over the past few years I’ve been on a bit of a machine learning kick (thanks to Andrew Ng) so this is really just a place for me to post thoughts about such and other computer topics of interest.

Other than that, just know that I’m a human searching for a greater understanding of the world and the people that make it such a wonderful place. I’ll make mistakes, post things I might change my mind on, and generally just be a person. If I make a mistake, feel free to let me know.

Finally, I currently allow comments on my posts and I encourage you to respond and tell me where I am wrong, or point me at new and interesting concepts. That said, all I ask is that you don’t post racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise hateful or hurtful comments. If you don’t agree with me and cannot say so without insulting people, your comments have no home here.