Hello world!

Welcome to my blog on machine learning and other computer issues. This is the first post of hopefully many. Most will be just short posts to document thoughts and newly discovered resources.

To start with, I’m just going to put a link to the course that got me started:


I don’t know when it runs, or if they have started charging for it, but I actually took it twice for free so it is probably still possible to do so. The first time I took it was when it first ran (back at the end of 2011) and then again after a few years break from machine learning. It was one of the best courses I have ever taken, and while it might be a little out-of-date, I still think it is a great course by a great teacher (Andrew Ng — https://twitter.com/AndrewYNg).

Okay, that’s going to be it for the first post.

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